Our Services

Reduce hassle, bring opportunities, blend modern thinking with corporate experience.

Doctor Consultancy

500+ Doctors

Healthcare Manager

30+ Healthcare Managers

Comprehensive diagnostic solutions.

Diagnostic Service
Pharma Services
Madadd Cab

5+ cab

Medicines at your doorstep.

150+ Madaddgar

Revolutionize Care

Embark on unprecedented journey to redefine and revolutionize maternal and infant care.

Address Cultural Sensitivities

Traditional practice of home healthcare, combined with dire need for skilled care.

Set New Standards

Pioneering endeavor to address concerns and set new standard for maternal and infant health.

person holding baby feet
person holding baby feet

We Aim To

person holding baby's index finger
person holding baby's index finger

Empower Mothers

Bridge the gap in maternal and infant care and to redefine traditional practices and set a new standard for care.

selective focus photo of woman lifting child during daytime
selective focus photo of woman lifting child during daytime

Set new Standard

Ensure the well-being of expectant mothers and infants through skilled home healthcare services.